Sabado, Hunyo 22, 2013

The Three Little Pigs

The Three Little Pigs

One day there are three little pigs, the three little pigs play all day when the night has come there mother told to go inside the three little pigs go inside and the mother said they will go to bed so the three little pig said no we will not go to bed because we’re hyper so they not really sleepy at all so there mother put the light out and go outside and the next morning their mother bake a delicious apple pie the three little pigs love apple pie so their mother go outside to make another apple pie and so there is a hungry fox that finding food so the fox see a house that have a apple pie but the fox is so hungry so the fox came to the house and check to see animals inside so after he check he see three little pigs and the fox planned how to steal the apple pie so the fox see clothes and the fox took it and dressed like an old woman and the fox came in to the door and knock the and the three little pigs open the door and see who knock there door and they see a fox who dressed like an old lady so the fox said to the three little pigs; You have the apple pie that you bake and the three little pigs said; yes we have the apple pie why??? Said the three little pigs and the fox said; can I have the apple pie I am so hungry the three little pigs said no you can’t have the apple pie because our mother said that we can’t give the apple pie to another animal  because that’s our food so the three little pigs close the door and the fox get angry so he put off the clothes so kicked the  door and the three little pigs scared so the fox came to the desk to eat the apple pie so the three little pigs took the apple pie and ran away so the fox run to get the apple pie to the three little pigs so there mother came to the house and see the three little pigs and the pie so after she see their gone so there mother look around and check she see a fox running after the three little pigs so there mother follow the fox and the three little pigs made a trap so the fox will never after them so after the three little pigs finish the trap the three little pigs distract the fox and the fox running after them so the fox never notice that there is a trap so the three little pigs caught the fox after their mother see what’s going on so the fox caught on the fox surrender his self to let him go so the three little pigs unleashed the fox and the fox ran away from the three little pigs and they get back to the house to celebrate their mother bake a another apple pie so they eat the first apple pie and they live happily ever after. 

Martes, Hunyo 18, 2013

Lonely Light Painting

one day there's a one boy named carl, carl is a lonely boy he had no friends, he always alone in the park.

He always look at the stars and after he wish, He walk alone to the street and to forgot everything and 

He goes to the store and he look to the Teddy Bear, Carl want that Teddy Bear toy and he walk away to the store and he walk to the streets alone and

he find a imaginary friend and he talk to his imaginary friend about his life so his imaginary friend said that be friends to anyone but he don't find a perfect friend for him but carl said he can't find another friend because its to hard to find another friend so he leave his imaginary friend alone at the dark and his imaginary friend disappear so 

he walk to the streets alone and he found found a round light and he go in there its so beautiful when he see that round light and 

goes to the another park to sit so he see the clouds he was so lonely and

he can’t even think what is he doing so he goes to his house and think something so he wanted to go to the beach and he spends some time to hang out to his house and eat

and goes to the beach and cry why he don’t have a friend to play with and why is he lonely so to cut out his lonelyness 

He went to the court and draw something in the middle of the basketball court and that draw is beautiful so the other kids go in there and see what his drawing and the kids clap at him becuase of his drawing

so he got a friend and he walk to the streets there four of him, he was so happy and thank to god he got a friend and his not lonely any more and he was so happy and they laughing each other and he talking each other telling story.